Wednesday 10 September 2008

St. Lucia Developing HIV/AIDS Policy For Education System

Stakeholders involved in St. Lucia's education system met last hebdomad to commence work on an HIV/AIDS policy for the sector, the Caribbean Media Corporation/Antigua Sun reports. The policy will include mechanisms to ensure that the instruction system canful deal with the disease, and Nahum Jn Baptiste, head of St. Lucia's HIV Secretariat, said that orphans and vulnerable children will be targeted under the policy. He added that the policy will address issues such as identifying students in motivation of tutelage and referring them to providers (Caribbean Media Corporation/Antigua Sun, 9/1). "There testament also be the issue of health and mob life education, so it's not scarce about the transmission of HIV and AIDS simply trying to have students develop confident lifestyles, which would aid secure them not only from the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted [infections] but to live a full life," Jn Baptiste said. According to Jn Baptiste, the policy will be implemented when the draft is approved by St. Lucia's Cabinet (Caribbean Media Corporation, 9/1).

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